THE JAVA JIVE: So, how do you “DO” acting?
Acting Means Learning how to be Aware and Stay Activated!
You know that there’s MORE to you than scrolling through Instagram! So don’t cheat yourself by taking your foot off the gas! The secret is to “Push Yourself, but Not Push Yourself Over”! There is always room to grow, on stage – and off. The secret is that ACTING is that it is a VERB! Something that you AUTHENTICALLY and ACTIVELY “DO”!
Rule One – Progress, not Perfection!
To TRULY ACT, we MUST TRULY “BE” present on stage, and present in life… And that takes STAMINA! And you need to exercise your stamina like you would exercise your muscles… or your brain. First! Give yourself permission to not “be perfect”. Acknowledge that this is a process.
Why don’t you start by setting a timer for five minutes? In short, BE PRESENT while “people watching”, listening to a conversation in the room, or watching a show – and REACT authentically to the stimuli. If you are feeling super brave, read and “perform” for yourself in the mirror. Make friends with your facial expressions, your breathing, and your emotions. Because what an audience WANTS to see is how an ACTOR/ACTRESS responds and reacts with realness. Give them, and you, that gift! Let them see that light bulb moment! Remember, on stage to “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy”. Genius comes through trial and error!
Challenge to “Percolate”: Show your virtual “audience”/family/friends five different reactions and responses that are unique and let them guess your thoughts and reactions. Go for a BIG reaction. To quote the Frizz, “Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy”… and prepare to be AWESOME!
© The Pfluger Empathy Movement Method