Daniel Marcotte
Music Director and Performer
Presenting: Vocal Technique Class and Effective Singing
Dan Marcotte records and performs Renaissance, Medieval, and Irish folk music. He is the music director of the Bristol Renaissance Faire where he has performed as Dan the Bard for the last twenty years.
He is a founding member of the Irish band, The Whiskey Brothers. He performs at schools, libraries, festivals and conventions both locally and internationally. Dan also composes, records, and performs Dungeons and Dragons themed music, as well as songs about general nerd culture (star wars, video games, anime, steampunk, etc…).
Dan has performed at GENCON, GaryCon, ACEN, C2E2, WindyCon, DucKon (Guest of honor 2014), 3Con, CODCON, OPCON, and this fall, GameholeCon. He has 8 CDs, including his “Gamer Triology”: Manticores and Owlbears (2009), BardCamp! (2011) and Epic Lute (2014). All of his music is on itunes, spotify, and cdbaby. www.danthebard.com, www.thewhiskeybrothers.org, www.judithanddan.com