This flashy 1980’s comedy showcases a rag tag crew of eight aspiring individuals, who doggedly persevere together through a beginner’s tap dance class in London. Together, they overcome the challenges of varied backgrounds, hopes and fears – and learn how to shine together in this comedy with two left feet!
#feelgoodcomedy #allages #tapdance#chicagorevival
Gallery of Images from the show
Notes from the Playwright/Director
‘Stepping Out’ – a play with tap dancing on and off the stage! One that the LATTE Teens’s favorite potentials!
This flashy 1980’s comedy play showcases eight aspiring individuals who meet and persevere together through a beginning tap dance class in a dingy church in London. Through the class, they transcend the challenges of varied backgrounds, hopes and fears – and tangled feet attempting to performance.
~ Felicia Pfluger, Producer and Artistic Director, LATTE Theater